In a sailboat the opposite is true. You care about where the wind comes from, you watch the birds, look over the rail and see the fish below, pay attention to the geography (with charts) so you don't run into anything.
Your journey in an EV is different than in a gas car, true. But I argue, certainly a richer experience. Your stop to charge allows you to see and maybe spend time in a place you would have whizzed by. You could plan to enjoy a relaxing meal out together with your significant other while stopping for an opportunity charge. You would pay more attention to the local terrain (uphill, or downhill with regen). You probably consulted a map to locate charging stations on your route thus familiarizing yourself with the geography. And you blazed a path for others to follow with your EV so they too know how easy it can be to drive electric. How great is that!? In a gas car it would have been A - B, no joy in the journey, just another tank of dino-juice up in smoke.
To take the sailing analogy one more nautical mile, when I drive in an EV I feel like an early sailing explorer. Descarte, Cortez, Columbus, pointing their ships into uncharted waters, searching for new lands and riches, yes, but also new knowledge.
I feel our journey in an EV is about new knowledge. Knowledge that could help mankind live on the earth in harmony with nature. Not as her predator, but as part of her plan. I think you could share that feeling of discovery by driving an EV. We at Plug'n Drive look forward to hearing more about your journey through uncharted waters in your EV. You could do that by commenting on our blog, posting on our Facebook or Tweeting us. Fair weather!
Ron Groves is Manager of Education and Outreach at Plug'n Drive
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